
Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to make Talismans and Amulets

About Talismans and Amulets

Before we begin, it is important to distinguish between the two! So what is an Amulet exactly? An Amulet is a “natural” object, that can be used (when consecrated) for many purposes- like protection, luck, health, etc. also to attract and repel things. While a Talisman, on the other hand, is a “man-made” object that also has a similar purpose to those previously stated.  Note that Amulets, a lot of the time are used to prevent/repel things while talismans are often used as transmitters/ projectors/ attractors of some sort.

How to make an Amulet:

Like mentioned before, an Amulet is made from a natural object, so we won't be making it per say. What we are doing is simply making it wear-able!

An excellent example of this is a Hag stone! (For those who don't know what a Hag stone is, it's basically a stone that has been naturally worn away with water to have a large hole (or holes). Like this:

Then, to be worn as an Amulet, you can do this with cords:

But in the creation process of making the Hag stone wearable (or which ever natural object you have), you need to cleanse it and consecrate it. So for this example, the Hag stone, known for it's protective qualities, it can be first cleansed is water with salt. Also it can be passed through the smoke of burning herbs (like lavender or etc.) or incense. After purified, as you are charging it with your energy, you can request that your deities bestow their protection onto it so that it's wearer will be protected as well.

Also, it's handy to know that you don't have to leave the “natural object” in it's original state. You can carve or paint onto it as well for increased magical potency!

Now to move on to Talismans...

How to Make a Talisman-
Like previously mentioned before, talismans are “man made” for the most part. You can include parts made from nature- like crystals, but it will still be considered a Talisman.

This is an example of a talisman necklace that I made! (The pendant came from the head artist of Green Girl Studios.)

Anywho, so here is what you need to do:
  1. Get the main special object- it can be a pendant like mine, or it can be something as simple as a ring. You can even make it from clay or metal (having a special sigil or symbol on it can play an extremely important role in the talismans function.) But ultimately a talisman can be made from any material.
  2. Determine what the talisman's purpose is. Will it be used for healing? To draw love? Protection? Also choosing the right “time” to do it is also helpful. (Like paying attention to the phases of the moon for increasing strength/effectiveness, etc)
  3. Place that object on a chain. You can put semi-precious stones on the strand like I did to further promote the intended desire of the Talisman. (Further, it's helpful if you are in a semi-meditative state when you do this.)
      a. Another note: if you place stones along the chain or certain objects, you can use it as a way to place more spells on it, and activate them whenever you need them.
  4. Charge the Talisman with your energy. (Feel your energy build inside of you then allow it to flow through you and into the talisman. You can also ask for your deities to bestow their blessing, protection etc. onto it as well.) When you feel it is “full” you can stop.
  5. If there is any residue energy left over in you, just ground yourself.

That's it my friends! That's how you make Amulets and Talismans! Pretty easy huh?