
HUGE Book List!

This section is most of the books I have stocked in my Pagan Library (it's crazy to think I still have more!  But I need to stop typing it's 2:12am and I'm TIRED! Been at it for  like 3hrs!)

The Books are organized by topic:

Different Pagan Paths and Practices -
. The Red Book- a Deliciously unorthodox approach to Igniting your Divine Spark by Sera Beak
. Complete book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
. Evolutionary Witchcraft by T. Thorn Coyle
. Hereditary Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi
. The Book of Druidry by Ross Nichols
. The Descent of the Goddess, vol. 1- The Living Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak
. Goddess Alive!- inviting Celtic and Norse Goddesses into your life by Michelle Skye
. Goddess Afoot! Practicing Magic with Celtic and Norse Goddesses by Michelle Skye
. Spiral Dance by Starhawk

History of Witchcraft /Magic/ Goddess
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
Atlas of Magical Britain by Janet and Colin Bord
The Rebirth of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente
The Goddess Within by Jennifer and Roger Woolger
When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone
Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood  by Merlin Stone

Pagan Wisdom and Enlightenment/ Life Stories
. Laughter of Aphrodite- Reflections on a Journey to the Goddess  by Carol Christ
Out of the Broom Closet- 50 true stories of Witches who Found and Embraced the Craft edited by Arin Murphy- Hiscock
Crossing to Avalon by Jean Shinoda

Wheel of the Year- Sabbats, traditions, crafts etc AND Daily Guides.:

. Wheel of the Year- Living the Magical Life by Pauline Campanelli
.  Ancient Ways- Reclaiming Pagan Traditions by Pauline Campanelli
.  Dancing with the Sun- celebrating the Seasons of Life by Yasmine Galenorn
.  The Magickal Year by Diana Ferguson
The Pagan book of Days by Nigel Pennick
365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco

Magic, Spells, Prayers and Brews:
. Witch's Brew- Good Spells for Healing by Witch Bree
. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham
. Earth Power- techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham
. Natural Magick- Inside the well-stocked witch's cupboard by Sally Dubats
. The Old Girls Book of Spells by Cal Garrison
. Wiccan Spell a Night- Spells, charms and potions for the whole year by Sirona Knight
. Everyday Magic- Spells and Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy Morrison
. Spells and Charms- 52 charms and spells to help you get the best out of life by Nicola De Pulford
. Earth Prayers from Around the World edited by Elizabeth Roberts

Moon Magick
. Moon Magick- Myths, Magic, Crafts, Recipies, Rituals and Spells by D. J. Conway
. Many Moons- the Myth and Magic, Fact and Fantasy of our Nearest Heavenly Body by Diana Brueton

Divination and "Hands on" Practices-
. The Palmistry Workbook by Nathaniel Altman
Enchantments of the Faerie Realm- Communicate with Nature Spirits and Elementals by Ted Andrews
. Complete Book of the Zodiac by Jonathan Cainer
. Trancing the Witch's Wheel- A guide to Magickal Meditation by Yasmine Galenorn
. Earth Divination, Earth Magic- A practical guide to Geomancy by John Greer
. Tarot for Beginners by P. Scott Hollander
. Kundalini and the Chakras by Genevieve Paulson
Out of Body Adventures by Rick Stack
. The complete book of Palmistry by Joyce Wilson

Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
. The Herbal Yearbook by Gillian Haslam
.Herbs and Things by Jeanne Rose's Herbal
. The New Age Herbalist by Richard Mabey
. Crystal Awareness by Catherine Bowman
. The Essential Crystal Handbook by Simon and Sue Lilly



  1. Oh how I love book lists and reviews... I try to post book reviews when I can, but when to find the time to read everything I want?...

  2. You have a wonderful Site with so much beautiful artwork and information. While I LOVE books, I'm new on in the way of the craft...of the books you have listed, which would be your top 10 'must haves and couldn't ever do without' if you wouldn't mind sharing? Thank you! Blessed Be!

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