
Your Comments or Questions :)


  1. I love your site, enjoyed looking it over, and will come back when I have more time.
    You really did a great job, and the tutorials are wonderful,
    Blessed Be,

    Lady Saera

  2. Awwww thank you! I really need to work on it more though!! (I don't have enough posts!)

  3. This is a great website! Definitely going to be looking into the book list :D

    I was looking into witchcraft and natural magick a couple years back, but because of mental health and family reasons, it was postponed. Now that things are smoother and its easier for me to study and practice, I will be using this site for sure as a reference :) thanks so much for the info!!

    <3 Samantha Cassie

  4. hey I've been studying reiki healing i got this reiki wand that was given to my uncle then given to me and there is a lot of negative energy to where i cant use it and Ive been doing energy work on it but nothing seems to be helping. It seems to crack every time i try to cleanse it could you please tell me some info on how to cleanse it without breaking the crystal wand thank you i would really appreciate that help i am really curious on everyone approach to my problem thank you for hearing me out.

    1. Have you tried doing a smoke cleansing it, then burying it into the earth for a few days to neutralize any lingering energy?

  5. Is there a special way you charge a regular item such as a ring into a powerful tool or charm? Do you cleanse it under smoke or do a little ritual? I would love to start wearing certain items to feel more connected if that makes any sense XD thanks and love your blog posts

    1. Hi Mello!
      You can treat it like any magical item you have that you cleanse and charge. So, you can cleanse your ring first with some white sage and charge it with your energy, crystals, some sunlight, etc. :) You can create a ritual if you'd like, but specifically, programing your item with a specific intent would be even more helpful.
      Hope that helps!

  6. Hello I am new to your web site and also new to this spiritual craft. I am very much into the herbal medicine and herbal magic. The more I read about it the more I am in love with it. I have just a quick question. I am traveling to Colorado and I was wondering if you know any herbal blends for safe travels? Thank you very much.

    1. Off the top my head some good herbs to create a blend with are: peppermint, mugwort, comfrey, cinnamon and dragons blood (it's a resin). But I'm sure there are a ton more you can use as well!

  7. I am a new explorer in wicca. I really enjoy this new site Erie. I think it is about healing the earth and it is us being closer. You are gifted in the crafts of making things and teaching other. I thank you for your ability.

  8. I am pagan too and I love ur blog very mucj.I have a question too.I made a ritual for a man who I love him very much.I visualized to have relationship with him but nothing happened.I did ceremonial magick but nothing happened.What may went wrong?Please help me I am so sad about this.

  9. Hi Jessica!
    Thank you so much! So, a quick question for you... during your ritual or visualization did you specify an exact time that you wanted to be in a relationship with him by. Also, did you specify what type of relationship that you wanted to have with him? Magic is a very funny thing because it requires you to be exceptionally specific with your intent. What might be obvious to you might not be clear to the energy you cast out. Also, the more you set time structures, it allows you to know how much time you can wait for it to work. Should it not work during that time period you can do the ritual again afterwards. :)

    Hope that helps some!!

  10. I came across your blog on accident, and I'm posting a link in my blog for my coven members and also on my Facebook page. I love all your crafts!!!
