Good afternoon my lovely Witchy friends!
Yesterday the best thing ever happened. My box that was full of herbs and willow tree branches came in! (My clothes were also shipped in the box from NY-but those aren't as important. :D

(image of pantry found here:
I tore into that box as if it was a life line. I pulled all the herbs and branches out and just hugged them. They were my precious- like in Lord of the Rings! LOL
As I fondled my herbs and sticks I decided to take a picture of them to share with you all! Here they are:
Oh, and the feathers you see are actually swan feathers I found on the bank of the Hudson. (I saw the swans swimming nearby that's how I know what type they are)
If you are wondering what I made with the willow branches...BAM!- here are some pictures! I made WANDS! YAY!
These 2 will be up on my etsy shop within the next day or so! I also made a third wand but I am keeping that one for myself! It's made of willow and 18 inches long. There are purple-y blue fresh water pearls and moonstones decorating it with a long quartz point. The wand is also very graceful looking and it curves upward. It fits my hand so perfectly! It feels like an extension of my arm. Since it is so long it's so hard to take a picture of it, that's why I don't have a picture of it on here just yet!
On a completely different topic, the most wonderful, thoughtful, sweet thing ever happened to me today. Again, I am laying in bed trying to rest and my father comes in my room and says "Did you invite Scott to come over?, because his truck is outside and he is about to ring the doorbell."
So once again I practically leapt out of bed! But I took one look at myself and was like "Crap!" My hair was in a messy pony tail, I was in my poka dot pajamas. I needed to take a shower but there was no time! I heard the door bell ring and I ran to get some deodorant on; within 5 sec. there was a knock at my bedroom door. A very self conscious me greeted my boyfriend. Of course he looked so handsome and get this, he had a bouquet of white roses and a bag of goodies that he knew would make me feel better. The thought was so sweet that I actually started tearing up. He is so good to me and always manages to make my heart flutter. I love him so much! He even brought me more herb jars since he knew I ran out of them! I am so lucky to have him in my life!
Thanks for reading and Bright Blessings!