Herbal Crafts

Herbal Crafts )O(

Animal Spirit Guide Blend:
Catnip, Sage, Mugwort, Althea, Balm Gilead, Fever Few, Blessed Thistle
Helps you connect with your animal spirit guide!
Animal Spirit Guide Herbal Blend
Strength, Truth and Protection
Master of the Woods, Borage,Vetiver, Lavender, Mint, 
This bottle was created to strengthen oneself, discover truths among the deceitful, and protect.
Rustic Celtic Hedgewitch- Spell/Altar Kit  )O(


Love, Healing and Tranquility Magick Herbal Blend
Jasmine, Lavender, Rose buds and White Sage
Deigned to relax, cleanse and bring forth peace, love and happiness.


Faery Sight Herbal Blend 

Lavender, Jasmine, Rose buds with Amethyst, Citrine, and Quartz stones (I feel like there was more in the ingredients but I can't remember all of them.


Break/ Banish: Hexes, Curses, Negative feelings or Unwanted Energies:
(a.) Althea- it brings good spirits, protection, and a boost in psychic power
(b.) Angelica- protection, healing, visions
(c.)Solomon's Seal- protection, exorcism of evil
(d.) borage- courage, psychic powers
(e.) Mustard seeds- protection, mental powers
(f.) Vetiver- Hex breaking, love, luck, money, anti-theft
(g.) Bay Laurel- protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength, wisdom, wards off negativity, mischief, removes curses and evil spells. 
Designed to break hexes and boosts protection from psychic attacks!! 


Happiness Blend

Lavender, Rosemary, St. Johns wort, Marigolds, Sandalwood
Does: Promote love and happiness! :)

These are just a few of the blends I have sold or am selling on my etsy shop, this page will be continued to be updated!
So my friends, what blend would you like to see made? Post a comment Below!
~Goddess Bless~ )O(

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